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Data AI Diagnostic

Diagnostic Data IA biZNov BPIFrance

Hervé @ biZNov adapt their recommendations to your company's ambitions.


AI helps transform the enterprise by creating value with your data.


Your company can then

 • introduce new services,

 • optimize business processus and efficiency.


Human remains at the center of these transformations.

AI solutions development process are iterative by nature and involves many steps. 

The « Data AI Diagnostic » was carefully thought to support identification of the most transformational and impactful vectors.

Always listening to the company's leaders, Hervé @ biZNov 

 • Analyze business needs and ambitions

 • Suggest the most adapted Artificial Intelligence solutions

 • Evaluate et reconcile Retours sur Investissements (ROI)

 • Establish a prioritized roadmap 

so your AI adoption is adapted to your company's strategy and objectives.

Herve @ biZNov was selected as an AI Expert by BPI France. This selection recognizes the approach and methodology biZNov has built to provide best in class artificial intelligence advisory services.
The approach supports SMEs digital transformation.
The Data AI Diagnostic allows you to identify the disruptive projects and data valorization perspectives (untapped otherwise).
Herve biZNov is building an AI strategy supporting your overall business strategy, helps you transform your company to strengthen its competitivity.

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